Probability distributions#

The sktime.distributions module contains probability distributions which combine a pandas.DataFrame-like API with a scikit-base compatible object interface.

All distributions in skpro can be listed using the skpro.registry.all_objects utility, using object_types="distribution", optionally filtered by tags. Valid tags can be listed using sktime.registry.all_tags.


BaseDistribution([index, columns])

Base probability distribution.

Parametric distributions#

Continuous support#

ChiSquared(dof[, index, columns])

Chi-Squared distribution (skpro native).

Fisk([alpha, beta, index, columns])

Fisk distribution, aka log-logistic distribution.

Laplace(mu, scale[, index, columns])

Laplace distribution.

Logistic(mu, scale[, index, columns])

Logistic distribution.

Normal(mu, sigma[, index, columns])

Normal distribution (skpro native).

TDistribution(mu, sigma[, df, index, columns])

Student's t-distribution (skpro native).

Weibull(scale, k[, index, columns])

Weibull distribution.

Integer support#

Poisson(mu[, index, columns])

Poisson distribution.

Non-parametric and empirical distributions#

Empirical(spl[, weights, time_indep, index, ...])

Empirical distribution (skpro native).

QPD_Empirical(quantiles[, time_indep, ...])

Empirical quantile parametrized distribution.

QPD_U(alpha, qv_low, qv_median, qv_high[, ...])

Johnson Quantile-Parameterized Distributions with unbounded mode.

QPD_S(alpha, qv_low, qv_median, qv_high[, ...])

Johnson Quantile-Parameterized Distributions with semi-bounded mode.

QPD_B(alpha, qv_low, qv_median, qv_high, ...)

Johnson Quantile-Parameterized Distributions with bounded mode.

Composite distributions#

Mixture(distributions[, weights, index, columns])

Mixture of distributions.