
skpro.datatypes.check_is_mtype(obj, mtype, scitype: str = None, return_metadata=False, var_name='obj', msg_return_dict=None)[source]#

Check object for compliance with mtype specification, return metadata.

obj - object to check
mtype: str or list of str, mtype to check obj as

valid mtype strings are in datatypes.MTYPE_REGISTER (1st column)

scitype: str, optional, scitype to check obj as; default = inferred from mtype

if inferred from mtype, list elements of mtype need not have same scitype valid mtype strings are in datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER (1st column)

return_metadata - bool, str, or list of str, optional, default=False

if False, returns only “valid” return if True, returns all three return objects if str, list of str, metadata return dict is subset to keys in return_metadata

var_name: str, optional, default=”obj”

name of input in error messages

msg_return_dict: str, “list” or “dict”, optional, default=”list”

whether returned msg, if returned is a str, dict or list if “list”, msg is str if mtype is str, list of str if mtype is list if “dict”, msg is dict if mtype is str, list of str if mtype is list, if dict, has with mtype as key and error message for mtype as value

valid: bool - whether obj is a valid object of mtype/scitype
msg: str or list/dict of str - error messages if object is not valid, otherwise None

list or dict type is controlled via msg_return_dict if str: error message for tested mtype it list: list of len(mtype) with message per mtype if list, same order as mtype if dict: dict with mtype as key and error message for mtype as value returned only if return_metadata is True or str, list of str

metadata: dict - metadata about obj if valid, otherwise None

returned only if return_metadata is True or str, list of str

Keys populated depend on (assumed, otherwise identified) scitype of obj. Always returned:

“mtype”: str, mtype of obj (assumed or inferred) “scitype”: str, scitype of obj (assumed or inferred)

For scitype “Series”:

“is_univariate”: bool, True iff series has one variable “is_equally_spaced”: bool, True iff series index is equally spaced “is_empty”: bool, True iff series has no variables or no instances “has_nans”: bool, True iff the series contains NaN values

For scitype “Panel”:

“is_univariate”: bool, True iff all series in panel have one variable “is_equally_spaced”: bool, True iff all series indices are equally spaced “is_equal_length”: bool, True iff all series in panel are of equal length “is_empty”: bool, True iff one or more of the series in the panel are empty “is_one_series”: bool, True iff there is only one series in the panel “has_nans”: bool, True iff the panel contains NaN values “n_instances”: int, number of instances in the panel

For scitype “Table”:

“is_univariate”: bool, True iff table has one variable “is_empty”: bool, True iff table has no variables or no instances “has_nans”: bool, True iff the panel contains NaN values “n_instances”: int, number of instances/rows in the table

For scitype “Alignment”:

currently none

TypeError if no checks defined for mtype/scitype combination
TypeError if mtype input argument is not of expected type