.. _developer_guide: =============== Developer Guide =============== Welcome to skpro's developer guide! New developers should: * sign up to the developer Discord (see link in README) and say hello in the ``#contributors`` channel * install a development version of ``skpro``, see :ref:`installation` * set up CI tests locally and ensure they know how to check them remotely, see :ref:`continuous_integration` * get familiar with the git workflow (:ref:`git_workflow`) and coding standards (:ref:`coding_standards`) * feel free, at any point in time, to post questions on Discord, or ask core developers for help (see here for a `list of core developers `_) * feel free to join the collaborative coding sessions for pair programming or getting help on developer set-up Further special topics are listed below. sktime follows `scikit-learn `_\ 's API whenever possible. If you're new to scikit-learn, take a look at their `getting-started guide `_. If you're already familiar with scikit-learn, you may still learn something new from their `developers' guide `_. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation developer_guide/git_workflow developer_guide/continuous_integration developer_guide/coding_standards developer_guide/reviewer_guide developer_guide/add_estimators developer_guide/add_dataset developer_guide/deprecation developer_guide/dependencies developer_guide/documentation developer_guide/testing_framework developer_guide/release developer_guide/contrib_roadmap developer_guide/contrib_governance