.. _regression_ref: Time-to-event prediction and survival prediction ================================================ The :mod:`skpro.survival` module contains algorithms and composition tools for time-to-event prediction or survival prediction, i.e., tabular regression estimation with a probabilistic prediction mode, and optional right censoring. All survival predictors in ``skpro`` can be listed using the ``skpro.registry.all_objects`` utility, using ``object_types="regressor_proba"``, filtering by ``capability:survival`` being ``True``, optionally filtered by further tags. Valid tags can be listed using ``skpro.registry.all_tags``. Additionally, all probabilistic regressors can be used for survival prediction, by default they will ignore the censoring information. Note: this is different from subsetting to uncensored observations. Composition ----------- The regression pipeline class ``Pipeline`` can be used to pipeline time-to-event prediction estimators. .. currentmodule:: skpro.regression.compose .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst Pipeline Reduction to plain probabilistic regression ------------------------------------------- The below estimators can be used to reduce a survival predictor to a plain probabilistic regressor, i.e., in the ``skpro.regression`` module. These add the capability to take censoring into account. .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.compose .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst FitUncensored ConditionUncensored Reduction - adding ``predict_proba`` ------------------------------------ Simple strategies to use sklearn regressors for survival prediction are obtained from using any of the wrappers in ``skpro.regression``, then applying reduction to tabular supervised probabilistic regression (above). Model selection and tuning -------------------------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.model_selection .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst GridSearchCV RandomizedSearchCV .. currentmodule:: skpro.benchmarking.evaluate .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst evaluate Proportional hazards models --------------------------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.coxph .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst CoxPH CoxPHlifelines CoxPHSkSurv CoxNet Accelerated failure time models ------------------------------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.aft .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst AFTFisk AFTLogNormal AFTWeibull Generalized additive survival models ------------------------------------ .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.additive .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst AalenAdditiveLifelines Tree models ----------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.tree .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst SurvivalTree Tree ensemble models -------------------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.survival.ensemble .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst SurvivalForestSkSurv SurvivalForestXtraSkSurv SurvGradBoostSkSurv SurvGradBoostCompSkSurv NGBoostSurvival Base ---- Survival predictors inherit from the same base class as tabular probabilistic regressors. .. currentmodule:: skpro.regression.base .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class.rst BaseProbaRegressor