.. _metrics_ref: Performance metrics =================== The :mod:`skpro.metrics` module contains metrics for evaluating probabilistic predictions, including survival and time-to-event predictions. All metrics in ``skpro`` can be listed using the ``skpro.registry.all_objects`` utility, using ``object_types="metric"``, optionally filtered by tags. Valid tags can be listed using ``sktime.registry.all_tags``. Survival/time-to-event specific metrics in ``skpro`` can be listed by filtering by ``capability:survival`` being ``True``. All probabilistic metrics can be used for survival prediction, by default they will ignore the censoring information. Note: this is different from subsetting to uncensored observations. Quantile and interval prediction metrics ---------------------------------------- .. currentmodule:: skpro.metrics .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class_with_call.rst PinballLoss EmpiricalCoverage ConstraintViolation Distribution prediction metrics ------------------------------- Distribution predictions are also known as conditional distribution predictions. (or conditional density predictions, if continuous). .. currentmodule:: skpro.metrics .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class_with_call.rst CRPS LogLoss SquaredDistrLoss LinearizedLogLoss SquaredDistrLoss Survival prediction metrics --------------------------- Survival or time-to-event predictions are a variant of distribution predictions, where the ground truth may be censored. These metrics take the censoring information into account. .. currentmodule:: skpro.metrics.survival .. autosummary:: :toctree: auto_generated/ :template: class_with_call.rst ConcordanceHarrell SPLL